23 April 2009

The Other Side

The sun is shining, another beautiful day in London town, so the mood is very upbeat! Going to be quick as right in the middle of recording. Like I said just getting through demos, not much to say other than we are getting through it. We have also started sending a few tracks out to potential collaborators with a lot of positive response, so all good there. As soon as I have information to divulge then I will let you know.

On a sadder note an old friend passed away recently, Shawn Mortenson RIP. Great artist and long term friend, sadly it seems that a lot of good people have been lost this year. Just wishing him luck on the other side!

Went to see Richard File’s first ‘We Fell to Earth’ gig on Tuesday night. From the pirate airwaves to the ICA! It was a great show and I wish him all the best with his album and future touring. It was also good to see a few old heads that I have not seen for a while.

Other things that have been going on - getting my head into Global mix album, starting next week. Looks like the track listing is coming together even though I have got to say clearing records in is a fucking pain in the arse! Considering that you can download pretty much anything for free these days, I find it amazing sometimes how complicated it is to clear records in this day and age. And I am still waiting to confirm the city, I will let you know as soon as it is confirmed.

Got a cool weekend ahead. Back to the old school tomorrow as I am playing Oxford. It will be good to catch up with some old faces. And then off to Napoli with 3D for a boy’s weekend of serious food and drinking!

Oh yeah and tonight off to see The Big Pink at the ICA with after party to follow. I am sure tomorrow will be a slow day!

Have a great weekend – until next time!


  1. And then off to Napoli with 3D for a boy’s weekend of serious food and drinking! -> seems interesting ;) have fun!

  2. The Big Pink is ace! Can't stop listening to them since I heard "Too Young To Love" in one of your mixes. Thanks for pointing them out and being such a great music advisor, James!

  3. A weekend in Naples with 3D sounds amazing. If you get time, I reckon you should try and get your biggest fan (me) a few tickets for the Massive Attack show at Brixton this September. The best thing in the world would be if you played a DJ set to warm up for MA. Mention that to him too!

  4. A weekend with James Lavelle and Robert del Naja? Jealous!

  5. Maybe you can share some pictures of this "a boy’s weekend of serious food and drinking " with us? :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hey James, good to follow your work here. You guys got me hooked a short while ago (Sziget 2007) but even more at the concert in Sfantu Gheorghe (RO 2007). And since it's been UNKLE all the time. It's like the leitmotif occurring over and over again in between the music I listen.
    Keep up the good pace.
